Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Top 10 Posts at TDA Training

Since May (and I signed up for Google Analytics per Pat's advice), the Top 10 Posts at TDA Training:TDA Training Top 10

  1. Boxing for Self-Defense and MMA
  2. Reliable Boxing Combination
  3. Is Boxing Viable for Self-Defense?
  4. How to Win a Fight
  5. Why Do We Get Hit?
  6. Practical Hand Techniques
  7. Three Cs of Sparring
  8. Defend the Thai Clinch
  9. Airsoft Pistols for Tactical Training
  10. Boxing Punch Numbering System

Not sure why we became such a boxing-centric site, but here's a clue as to the direction we're heading: more MMA technique analysis (with an emphasis on self-defense), more DT and Combatives information, airsoft tactical information, and stuff. I say stuff, because I'm just going to post what interests me, usually with a martial arts slant, but sometimes not.

Look for more instructional material, too. Our Instructional Category is chock full of information (currently just over 100 posts!) that's step-by-step, many times with video, on how to perform a technique or tactic. I have always found analysis of video to be one of the best training methods, so will utilize that medium as much as possible. Also check out the TDA Training Video category for our video material. I may be trying out a new host for that, and will update at that time.

Make sure you don't miss anything by subscribing to our feed here, or you can get an email with our full posts by subscribing to our updates email list here.

Finally, if you have a suggestion or request for information, please email me at TDATraining AT Gmail.com, or just comment on something you like. I would like to entertain questions with posts giving my perspective.

Thanks again for reading TDA Training!

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