I thought this 2006 oldie was worth reposting, Close to Roundhouse Knee. I've been so busy the past few days I haven't even had a chance to stay caught up on email, much less create posts (I've got about 75-100 drafts, but none ready). So to tie you over, a good blast from the past, the offensive check with a round knee attack. This has utility in sport MA (MMA or Muay Thai), self-defense, Combatives, or defensive tactics (DT).
A few points: the lead technique doesn't always have to do damage, it just has to create or exploit an opening. The lead-off check is a great use of that tactic. It can transition to a trap, pressing to remove the threat of a viable counter (the opponent is off-balanced), and keeps the attention on the upper body, setting up the knee opening. Enjoy. Comments are encouraged!
Offensive (not counter) use of the knee: 1. Instead of closing the gap with a jab, the lead-off fighter uses a check of the right hand of the counter-fighter.
2. Inside the guard, and on the flank, the right hand latches behind the neck.
3. The knee to the face is delivered. The important thing to remember is that as long as you close the gap properly, any technique can be used - even a "counter". Why wait for your opponent to lead-he might hit you! Maxim: "It's always faster to act than to react."
For more information:
TDA Check, step-around, and counter
TDA Video: Checking your way to surviving multiple opponents
TDA How Long Do You Press the Attack?
TDA Checking
Use the knee to the outside of the thigh at the Gallbladder point and inside thigh at the spleen point.
Absolutely devestating.
We actually practice the roundhouse knee, knee upper cut, and knee thrust in our tkd.
I've never been very good at the roundhouse version but the other two are great 'cause you can pull your opponent into them.
DR- I agree. The I think the groin is a good "pressure" point to strike, too! LOL. On a serious note, knees are among my favorite techniques because of their versatility and power. Just gotta get the hips into it.
Bob- I think the knee is one of the techniques common to all "karate" styles, including TKD that's universally effective, and easy to use. Practical for the "street" or elevator for sure!
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