Friday, April 25, 2008

TDA Blitz 2008.04.25

As you may be able to tell, I'm trying to get caught up and stay on a more regular posting schedule. I'm going to try to get this Blitz post of interesting and informative links to you every Friday. Also, Rick has agreed to collaborate on this, giving you plenty of links to catch up on over the weekend.

Let the Blitz commence!

  1. Turns out that Jason Couch of Martial History Magazine is a daddy! He snuck it into this post, but can't hide from our crack researchers. Or is that researchers on crack? Never mind! Go over and congratulate him.
  2. I've added the My Self-Defense Blog to our links. Focused on self-defense with a good amount of success stories and tips, it's worth a good look.
  3. Marks Chat has morphed into Update your feed and links!
  4. Charles James post, Those Yellow Footprints takes the USMC Drill Instructor Pledge and, appropriately applies it to the humble and lofty Sensei. "Drill Instructor Pledge--"These recruits are entrusted to my care. I will train them to the best of my ability. I will develop them into smartly disciplined, physically fit, basically trained Marines, thoroughly indoctrinated in love of Corps and country. I will demand of them, and demonstrate by my own example, the highest standards of personal conduct, morality, and professional skill."" Read it all - it's beautiful and profound.
  5. John at Black Belt at 50 is a real martial artist - he actually enjoys training! "Many people seem to respect the fact that I've earned a black belt. But the fact is, I know the truth. The running, the sparing, the intense four-classes-per-week run-up to earning the belt, and all those pushups.....was fun."
  6. Ronin posts on why you should "Always use enough gun!" So true!
  7. Home Invasion Lady Stuck in Closet with Robber at Self Defense Instructor, a new addition to our Blogroll.
  8. Charles Goodin imparts "A Karate Student Should Not..."
    -try harder in the dojo than he does at work or school.
    -show more respect to his Sensei than he does to his parents.
    -clean the dojo but neglect his own home.
    -travel the world for training but not take his wife anywhere.
    -forget all the people who helped him to attain skill in Karate.
    -forget that Karate is practiced in daily life.
    And more... Read the whole post.
  9. Men's Health features a fast weekend workout you can do anywhere. Hmmm. I'll give it a try...
  10. Stephan Kesting of has a new DVD, High Percentage Leglocks. From what I can see, anything he produces is probably worthwhile, so check out the previews on this page.

That's it! Get on with your weekend.


Anonymous said...

Many Thanks for informing visitors of my change. Keep up the great posting!

Unknown said...

No prob! FYI, you may want to post that at CoCA, too, and post your new feed URL there.