Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Guest Blogging At TDA Is Brutal !

Whew! This guest blogging at TDA Training is rough stuff! When Nathan contacted me over at Dojo Rat, I thought "Sure, I'll help out - how tough could it be?". Well fellow Dojo Rats, I found out just how tough it can be. I said "Hey Mr. TDA; what would you do if I threw a punch?"

He slipped my punch expertly, and...

...Pounded me really, really hard. So then I tried to tackle him and...

I got a knee smash to my face. As if I wasn't already a broken puddle of blood and beer, He showed me one last devastating technique:

But, as tough as TDA Training is, Nathan always shows us Respect.

Let's face it, Nathan at TDA Training is younger, stronger and, well, just plain better looking than Ol' Dojo Rat. But fear not, fellow Rats, I am being well attended to, have a Beer I.V. drip, and am begining a program of self-medication. On to some more serious martial arts ideas tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

LOL! Nice guest post DR.

Unknown said...

LMAO! Stop it! I'm trying to stay away, but I saw this and had to comment. I sometimes feel like you in the top pic, but I appreciate this. I needed the laugh today.

Steve said...

Well, that'll teach you. You were sparrig full contact when you were supposed to be trying stillness.

Patrick Parker said...

HA! that's great, DR.

Silverstar said...

Take care and get better Dojo Rat.:)